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Reaching For Freedom       

by Maureen Sawtell


Taking first tentative steps to freedom

Following the recommended roadmap

Whilst supporting each other through zoom and WhatsApp

Savouring each momentous milestone

Hoping that soon we can meet and greet

After being so long alone.


Our hair may be cut, flabby muscles retoned

As they reopen beauty salons and gyms.

For local pubs and bars, is the end now in sight

Have they got the green light?

For our pints, g & t’s, even Pimms.


Soon there will be theatres, concerts and cinemas to view

Libraries, zoos and museums to mention just a few.

There’s Old Trafford, the Ethiad and Anfield and more

Fans anxious to cheer their heroes

To sing and applaud every score.


When we emerge from our various lockdowns

After the trauma and deprivation

Desperate to see, to be with our loved ones

Maybe able to plan a new “staycation”.

Stop, midst all of the celebration

To spare a thought for all who were lost.

For families still grieving, still counting the cost.


After all of our jabs will we really be free

Will the dreaded Covid ever let us be?

Or is it lurking, waiting, ready with another wave.

We must stay safe; keep faith 

Maybe sing like our sailors at sea.

To “Our Eternal Father strong to save

Whose arm doth bind the restless wave?”

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